Make it Real, Make it Last
We know that changing how people work and interact takes both time and intention. Making human change real, making it last, requires an ongoing focus on engagement and support. This is where the rubber meets the road in a sustainable model for human digital change management.
Awareness Campaigns – For a digital change program to be successful, you must have broad awareness and understanding of the change. Employees should be fully engaged with the change and the value it brings to their work and the broader organisation.
Education & Training – Beyond technology enablement means that an education program must look beyond functional and technical training to include business process and human behavior change. How will the change affect my work as an employee? How might my work practices need to adjust or evolve to reap the rewards of the change?
Champion Networks – To embed a successful change within your organisation, it is useful to have a network of champions or ambassadors to help spread the word. These employees are engaged with the change and its value and can act as your “boots on the ground” to help encourage others. Champion networks have an important role to play in ongoing adoption and maturity and are important well beyond initial launch.